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邀请来新疆旅游的作文英语 去新疆旅游英语


Xiao Dong

Dear Tom,

邀请来新疆旅游的作文英语 去新疆旅游英语邀请来新疆旅游的作文英语 去新疆旅游英语

I'm really glad to hear that you are going to he a tour here.

Here comes my recommendation of a ho to you.I hope it will .

To contact the ho,please dial Known as the "roof of the world" of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, there are two of the world: one is the highest mountain in the world -- a world of Mount Qomolangma, isthe deepest and longest river valley -- the Yarlung Zangbo Grand canyon. Peak and valley close to the terrain, strong contrast of 10000 meters, constitutes a magnifntlandscape is the world's first.86736713.

Yours Sincerely


中文:烤羊Hami lies in the east of Xinjiang, is the door to the mainland of Xinjiang. The geographical coordinate is an east longitude 910 6 ' 33 " - 962 3'00", the north latitude 405 2 ' 47 " - 450 5'33", over 2692.1 meters above the sea ll on erage. Hami belongs to the typical continental climate, " it is hot in the south it is cool in the north " in the it characteristic. The w肉串在已有1800多年的历史,其中当属新疆烤肉之,其烤肉风味独具,肥香热辣,驰名中外。


暑假期间有这么长的时间,我们想去旅游,但是做任何事情都要有一个,怎么写一篇旅游的 英语 作文 呢?下面是我给大家整理的暑假旅游的英语作文要怎么写。供你参考!

During the summer vacation, I went to the beautiful and rich dalian with my father.

An open eye is the street of the traffic. Almost ry building is nearly a dred storeys. Walking north to the four dimensional cinema in dalian, the movie is a long time. After watching the movie we went to do sightseeing car, the car from the top down to see the scenery of tour is really hing a unique style, blue sea, green trees, the distant island like make the finishing point of the pen, let a person today

We're back at the military school, and the first day is over...

The next day, early in the morning, we had finished our meal, then go to the museum in dalian, there are all kinds of pottery and porcelain, varied, are valuable in ry situation, but finally we visited the two mummies, is said to be unearthed in , clothing still preserved, are on the hair and beard. Museum after the visit, we went to dalian Ocean Park, inside the graceful dolphin, cherish the Marine animals, white Ji dolphin performances in the ning, our trip was over. We were reluctant to look at the beautiful city, and she seemed to be saying goodbye to us as far as sible


一睁开眼帘,便是车水马龙的大街。各种各样的建筑,几乎每一栋建筑都接近上百层。向北走2000米就到了大连的四维院,那的让人回味无穷。看完后我们去做观光车,在观光车了从上向下看风景真是别具一格,蓝蓝的大海,绿绿的树林,远处的小岛好似画龙点睛之笔,让人魂牵梦Tibet is located on the qinjiang plateau which maked it wrapped in mystery.Tibet autonomous region is the biggest administratial region in china.The buddist has a history of thousand years.Tens of thousands varied temples was scattered all over which gives a thick solemn atmosphere.The magnifnt potala palace is situated on the west of lhasa city not far from which is the lhasa river. The water is emerald. The unique combination of policy and religion culture, the people,the blue sky all these are so attractive for me .绕




My father and mother said, xiamen is a beautiful place, there is a vast sea, there are big banyan trees, and beautiful gulangyu island, I really want to go to xiamen to play! At the beginning of August, I finally realized this wish, and my family and my family went to xiamen to trel toger.

Came to the gulangyu, see the island has a variety of hangzhou can't see the beautiful store, I like to eat "Zhang Sanfeng" milk tea, sweet, sweet sweet, that's great! I also found a big, big banyan tree, which I thought would be more than ten to hold! Howr, my forite place to play is white city beach and coconut water. For there was such a wide sea that there was no sight of it. My feet were covered with little gallows, and on the soft sands of the sand, we left behind our deep and shallow footprints. The wes came and touched my little instep. It was so comfortable. Oh, and the shells, one, two, three... We picked up a lot of them, and I brought them home!

In the next few days, we also went to xiaohang island to play, where I was so close to the dolphins, and we swam toger. The five days soon passed, and we left xiamen in the same way. This trip will be a great memory for me!


My father works in nanning, so my mother and I play in nanning, and we go to visit our father in the Swiss garden.

One day, my parents and I went to the south lake park to play. The scenery is beautiful, the lake is green, the lees are green. Then we went boating for three, and when we finished the boat, we landed. When I got to the shore, I was going to fly in China, and my parents were willing to give me a seat, and then I sat in the plane. The saleswoman asked me to sit in six circles. We went to China space and we went on a roller coaster. My mother was afraid to fall and sat down and asked me to sit with dad. My father and I were on a roller coaster. My mother said, "son, be careful." I said, "yes." The car opened and I accidentally touched a big bag, but I didn't cry. I went skating with my parents, and they said, "it's ok to wrestle, you can get up, you know what?" I said, "yes." When the was over, our family went home happily.

I he a good time this summer. >>>下一页更多精彩“关于暑假旅游的英语作文A”


I am looking forward to be there ryday


Dear Xiaolu,

The Yarlung Zangbo River at an erage altitude of 3000 meters, is the world'shighest river. Its downstream around Himalaya Shandong peak end, forming a uniquelarge horseshoe bend, cut out a huge gorge is 504 kilometers long in the Qinghai Tibet plateau. The erage depth of 2268 meters of the canyon, the depths of 6009 meters, is the world's largest canyon allow all doubt. America Colorado Grand Canyon and Korka Canyon in Peru, he been listed as the world, but they are unable to compete with the Yarlung Zangbo Grand canyon.

The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, silhouetted against the mountain glaciers andstrongly fragrant primitive forests, cloud cover fog Cg, mysterious. The Grand Canyon from the water, solid million years to boiling springs, from a trickle, curtainwatell to the surging river, it is in different es and with different expressions. The Grand Canyon of the mountain, from all over the tropical rain forest in the mountains to the straight into the sky in the snow, let a person feel as an inspired passage.

Singular landscape of the Grand Canyon is also reflected in the biological diversity, in the same slope, from high to low was formed by nine vertical natural zone. Different heights of the natural zone showed a different landscape, like a magical beautiful picture volley expansion. Here, you can see from the cold of the Arctic to the hot equatorial distribution of animals and plants. Many rare trees and flowers grow in thefew people tread place, various kinds of wild animal climbing across it, really deserves to be called "plant type Museum" and "animal kingdom" reputation.





欢迎大家来到天池山旅游. 天山天池风景名胜区位于新疆尔自治区阜康市南33公里处.天山天池位于阜康县境内的博格达峰下的半山腰,东距110公里,海拔1980米,(随着海拔高度不同可分为冰川积雪带、高山亚高山带、山地针叶林带和低山四个自然带.在天池同时可观赏雪山、森林、碧水、草坪、繁花的景色).是一个天然的高山湖泊.湖面呈半月形,长3400米,宽处约1500米,面积4.9平方公里,深处约105米.湖水清澈,晶莹如玉.四周群山环抱,绿草如茵,野花似锦.有"天山明珠"盛誉.挺拔、苍翠的云杉、塔松,漫山遍岭,遮天蔽日.天池东南面就是雄伟的博格达主峰(蒙古语"博格达",意为灵山、圣山)海拔达5445米.主峰左右又有两峰相连.抬头远眺,三峰并起,突兀插云,状如笔架.峰顶的冰川积雪,闪烁着皑皑银光,与天池澄碧的湖水相映成趣,构成了高山平湖绰约多姿的自然景观.是首批公布的重点风景名胜区. 天池是一座在两百余万年以前第四纪大冰川活动中形成的高山冰碛湖,天池湖面海拔1980米,湖面呈半月形,南北长3400米,宽处约1500米,面积4.9平方公里,平均湖深40米,深105米,总蓄水量1.6亿立方米.是世界的高山湖泊,1982年披列为批重点风景名胜区.天池古称“瑶池”,是传说中西王母宴请周穆王之地,唐代诗人李商隐曾作诗曰:“瑶池阿母绮窗开,黄竹歌声动地哀,八骏日行三万里,穆王何事不重来”.传说天地是西王母梳妆台上的银镜,又说是西王母的沐浴池,天地绦绕的云雾,是西王母的霓裳羽毛,小天池是西王母的洗脚盆……,这些美妙的神话传说,给优美的天池自然景色象上了一层神秘的色彩,夏季,这里山清水秀,清爽宜人,是绝佳的避暑盛地.游人可登高山、穿密林,俯览天地全景,也可在碧波浩渺的湖水中泛舟横渡,饱览湖光山色.冬天的天池,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,湖上坚冰如玉,是全国少有的高山滑冰场.

Xinjiang Tourist Attractions: Heenly Lake, Urumqi Lop Nur, the Tianshan, Tianshan Wild Animal Park, Nanshan natural scenic spots, Bayanbulak Swan Lake, Bai Yanggou, Bayanbulak grasslands, Dabancheng District town, Urumqi Mogui Cheng, miquan niangniangmiao, Changji original Populus euphratica, Chan你好,本人就是新疆的,也特爱吃烤肉,介绍新疆烤肉,用一句话可以描述它的特点gji city, Bear Gully Scenic Miquan blind, Changji Cheshi old course, Sailimu Lake, rocks valley scenic areas, narat grasslands, Sailimu Lake, Ili, guozigou, Altai, etc.新疆旅游景点:天池、罗布泊、、天山、天山野生动物园、南山天然风景区、巴音布鲁克天鹅湖、白杨沟、巴音布鲁克草原、 达坂城区古镇、魔城、米泉娘娘庙、昌吉原始胡杨林、 昌吉古城、米泉瞎熊沟风景区、昌吉车师故道、赛里木湖、怪石峪风景区、 那拉提草原、赛里木湖、 伊犁河、 果子沟、 阿尔泰山等

英语作文 假设你寒假去了新疆,你在那做了什么,心情怎么样!!!!????求帮助

This winter holiday,I went to Kunming with my family.Kunming is a very beautiful city,I think.The sky is blue and the想去的地方初中英语作文篇2 air is clean.You can see many kinds of n flowers rywhere.The weather there is great.It′s nr too hot or too cold all the year round,so people always call it "Spring City".

Iam Hua Lee .How are you all keeping.I am looking forward to friend with you.Kunming is surrounded by beautiful scenery.And one of the most famous views is "The Stone Forest".It is really scenic.

哈密旅游景点英语介绍作文 介绍哈尔滨旅游景点的英语作文

We just stayed in Kunming for six days,but I felt very happy,and I like Kunming very muc



My hometown Wuhan is warm in spring,and rything begins to grow.The hottest season is summer,so ry summer many people like to swim in the Yangtze River.The fall in Wuhan is like spring,neither too hot nor too cold.Winter is very cold,and it snows ry year,so people always wear thick clothes.My hometown Wuhan is warm in spring,and rything begins to grow.The hottest season is summer,so ry summer many people like to swim in the Yangtze River.The fall in Wuhan is like spring,neither too hot nor too cold.Winter is very cold,and it snows ry year,so people always wear thick clothes.






Please let me know if you're interested in accepting my invitation. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon andThanks again for rything you and your family he done for me! Please come to my home if you he time. hopefully welcoming you to my hometown.

英文:Roast mutton in China has a history of over 1800 years, which was the Xinjiang barbecue most, its barbecue unique flor, sweet hot fat, renowned at home and abroad.


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to invite you to come to Yunnan, China for a wonderful trel experience. As you may know, Yunnan is a beautiful province located in the southwestern part of China, famous for its breathtaking natural scenery, rich cultural heritage, and diverse nic minorities.


Trel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you comDear firend Petere into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Trelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.

Trel may also reli person of boredom and gloom. Trel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatr annoys you. Trel broadens your mind and lees you good memories. Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.

he field's his study, nature was his book.

Trelers can choose different modes of transportation which he aantages and disaantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford treling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.


I love treling. Treling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “sn wonders of the world,” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnifnce of nature! You can taste the “magicial” water on a glacier, which can you become more beautiful and make you live longer. Just forget all trifles and burdens that you he in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You'll be sure to experience many new things when treling. You don't n need a tour guide if you long for more . Just don't forget to bring your backpack!

I like autumn.Autumn last year, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to Lin'an by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me, can't do anything halfway. So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.


I he a dream, that is going to America. America is a beautiful country. And the country is very popular.

I want to make money in America. I will he a very amazing life. My life in America must be very exciting. In America, I will find many interesting things. All of them are waiting for me to enjoy.

I want to be a Chinese teacher in America. I will meet many interesting people there. I will also enjoy talking with them. My life may be very difficult, but I am very confident to face to the challenge.

Whatr my life is rich or poor. I will value my life in America. Try my 想去的地方初中英语作文篇1best.

But it’s just a beautiful dream. I must study hard for the dream.

I like trelling very much . My forite place tha中文:烤羊肉串在已有1800多年的历史,其中当属新疆烤肉之,其烤肉风味独具,肥香热辣,驰名中外。t I want to go is .




My summer holiday is coming soon, I start to make some plans about my vacation. I go to trel ry year, this time, I want to trel to Tibet, it is the place I always want to go to. I he heard about Tibet many times, my mother’s friends l me so many wonderful things in it, so I want to go to Tibet. This summer I will go to Tibet.



Dear Jane,作文地带简单说明:这里说的是十一国庆节期间的做客过程,您可以将十一修改为暑假、寒假、或其他节日做客的过程即可.

During your stay in Yunnan, we will visit many amazing places, such as the ancient city of Dali, the picturesque town of Lijiang, and the world-famous Stone Forest. We will also taste some local delicacies, such as the famous Yunnan r noodles and the unique Yunnan ham.

In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery and delicious food, you will also he the opportunity to learn about the rich culture and customs of the local nic minoritiesDuring your visit, I would be happy to show you around my hometown and introduce you to my family and friends. We could visit local attractions, such as [Name of attraction(s)], go hiking in the nearby mountains, or try some of the local specialties at a traditional restaurant., such as the Bai, Naxi, and Yi people.

I am confident that you will he a wonderful time in Yunnan, and I look forward to showing you around and experiencing this amazing province toger. Please let me know your thoughts and if you are interested in coming, so that we can make arrangements.

Best regards

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